Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Added New Links

Tonight I finally took a moment to update the links you will find in the sidebar to the right. I added useful links for writers, both general resources and links of relevance to fantasy writers. I also added links for blogs of other writers, and blog search engines, to help you find other blogs of interest. You will also find links to my other blog sites.

If any visitors to this site would like me to include a link to their blog or web site, just post a comment with the link (in response to this or any posting) and I'll check your site out. If it's relevant and appropriate, I'll be happy to add a link to it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for including me in your links, Adrian. What a sweet thing to do.

I'm working on a links page for my website and will add a link to your blog as well.
