Monday, November 08, 2010

Mid-Week Update (7.5 Weeks In)

Finished the final chapters! The first draft of my current WIP is now complete at 80 chapters and 142,040 words. I've also started reading the complete manuscript -- in sequence -- for the first time. I've reached chapter 31 and so far it's holding together very well! I know there are a few continuity issues later on, but these chapters are tight (except for a name or two, here or there). I'll report again after I've completed the reading.

Feels great to see such progress under my belt!



Debra Young said...

Yay! Cheers & Balloons! That's wonderful! Congratulations! d:))

Adrian Swift said...

Thanks, Debra! :) It's very exciting. I'll go out to dinner this week to celebrate.

Wishing you all the best with your current WIP!