Tuesday, June 06, 2006

HARRY: Chapter 2 Done

Finished chapter 2 of HARRY VS. THE TRUCK. Total word count now 5,712 words. I moved a chunk from the end of chapter 1 and used it to start chapter 2, creating a better breaking point between the two chapters. While composing new material, it turns out I consolidated chapters 2 and 3 and covered both goals within the one chapter. It's clear I won't be following my outline exactly, although I am following the storyline it contains. That's okay. I'm blending planning with discovery to achieve a healthy balance. Even though I'm now short a chapter, the total word count is still on track because the first chapter was longer and the second chapter was not short either.

The sense of goals and what the main character learns is certainly helping. I have a very clear sense of goal/complication/resolution at this point.

The work goes on.


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