Saturday, June 09, 2007

Suresh -- Still Out There?

I've updated the Parallel Writing Project site to include the current list of writers and supporters (those who provide links to the PWP site to help promote it).

Suresh posted a comment recently about joining the Parallel Writing Project, but did not leave any way for me to make contact.

Suresh -- are you still out there? Please send me an email or post a comment here again with a link to your web site or blog, so I can keep in touch with you.

Also, writers are welcome to send me a bio to post on the site (details under "Participants" / "About Bios").

By the way, since I'm updating the PWP web site so frequently right now, it's best to clear your cache before visiting, to be sure the most recent versions of the pages will load for you. Otherwise, you may visit the site but still be seeing older versions of the pages from your cache, rather than seeing the current versions.

Almost completely done putting the site together. The main task that remains is developing the story and challenges, which I hope to finish this weekend, and then spending some time promoting the project.

I'm wondering when the best time to start the project would be.... After more people sign up, of course, but also perhaps later in the summer? Or September? I just wonder if the summer is the best time -- but the truly dedicated work on their writing year-round, right? ;-)


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